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Saturday, October 13, 2012

the Maitlands

Here lies the Maitland's

Beetlejuice was the coolest movie!.. when I was 8.  (It's still pretty rad.)  Honourable mention goes out to SANDWORMS! wutup!? One Halloween night not so long ago my love for the species transformed me into  A sandworm!   ( see below)

I couldn't decide whether or not this hilltop house needed some more background, after trying with a minimal BG,  I still like without better.

I made the house entirely of paper cut outs layered on separate plains.   Interesting fact:  The Beetlejuice house was never a house- just a bunch of facades put together to look like a house.  All interior shots were done in studio. 

set up.   'nice fuckin' model'

handmade sandworm

Scared Sheetlessly Yours, 
Miranda R. McGhoul

Friday, October 12, 2012


I have prints now available.  i put them up here
all are Archival 100%cotton paper

deer 11x14 limited edition

emus 8x10s open edition

stork 11x14 & 8x10 open edition